Economic Vitality News

Jefferson Wants You new business start-up to Midwest Behavioral Health

A new business in Jefferson was awarded a $5,000 Jefferson Wants You Incentive grant for start-up costs.  Megan Ball opened Midwest Behavioral Health in May of 2022.  Megan explains, “This […]

Economic Vitality News

A grant for new small businesses and remote workers is ready to be unveiled

A grant for new small businesses and remote workers is ready to be unveiled. Peg Raney, Economic Vitality chairperson explained, “The Jefferson Wants You Incentive Fund is designed for two […]

Economic Vitality News

Commercial Featuring Jefferson Hits Cable Network Channels

The tourism committee (a part of the Promotions Team), was instrumental in creating a tourism commercial that can be seen across Iowa, including those who subscribe to  Jefferson Telecom cable […]

Economic Vitality News

The HartBeat of Main Street Grant Program Helping small businesses respond and adapt to COVID-19

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the HartBeat of Main Street Grant Program. Grants of $5,000 to $15,000 will be awarded to support brick-and-mortar small businesses in commercial districts as […]